Project hub

The Mission Soil project hub provides information on projects funded under the Mission and other relevant initiatives. Through the project hub, it will be possible to gain oversight of the emerging Mission project portfolio and follow the progress and outcomes of funded projects and initiatives more easily. The hub provides information on the goals, activities, and results, factual or expected, of the projects and initiatives, outlining the relevance to Mission objectives. 

The repository enables searches by Mission objectives (specific and operational), funding programme, time and country and allows free data downloading.


Information-based Strategies for LAND Remediation

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,804,677.46

The EU-funded ISLANDR project will work towards reducing soil pollution and enhancing restoration. The project will identify the sources of soil pollution, assess environmental and health risks, implement sustainable risk management, and provide a valuation approach in financial and investment cases. ISLANDR will integrate land contamination and spatial planning decision-making processes with the Soil Strategy policy of the EU. Additionally, it will encompass the proposed soil health law and other policy areas where soil plays a crucial role. The seven test areas of ISLANDR will serve as example sites representing different types of contamination across Europe. 


Integrating SOil Biodiversity to Ecosystem Services: testing cost-effectiveness of Soil Biodiversity indicators and the provision of soil biodiversity-based Ecosystem Services to build better land management solutions that effectively implement the EU Soi

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €7,213,228.72

By creating a comprehensive evaluation framework and determining the cost-effectiveness of SOB indicators in different ecosystems, SOB4ES aims to improve current evaluations of ecosystem condition and to increase the uptake of practical applications to enhance SOB and its contribution to ES. Above all, SOB4ES trans-disciplinary perspective will allow for inclusion of social, economic and political factors to transform soils into healthy systems.


Linking soil biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services in different land uses: from the identification of drivers, pressures and climate change resilience to their economic valuation

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €7,398,540.00

The EU-funded BIOservicES project aims to decode the intricate relationship between soil organisms, land use and management, and climate change. To assess their impacts and develop innovative tools for sustainable land management, BIOservicES will identify the pressures and drivers influencing soil life. To explore the relationship between soil organisms, soil structure, and ecosystem functions and services, the project will develop new indicators, digital tools, and models for climate-resilient land management practices. Moreover, it will take a collaborative approach with experimental sites spanning eight land uses and five biogeographic regions.


Turning food waste into sustainable soil improvers for better soil health and improved food systems

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,999,461.25

The EU-funded Waste4Soil project will pioneer 10 solutions to transform these residues into local, bio-based circular soil enhancers. It will introduce a standardised evaluation framework, empowering stakeholders across the food value chain to assess their progress in achieving circularity with food processing residues. Seven Soil Health Living Labs will be established across Europe, in Greece, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Finland, to explore the potential of eight different types of food processing residues. The project will also establish an advanced management platform for data analytics and Internet of things device integration.


Delivering Soil improvers through improved recycling and processing solutions for food industry residues streams

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €7,000,000.00

DeliSoil sets out to co-design processes that not only minimise food processing side streams but also convert it into tailored soil enhancers through a circular bioeconomy approach. This groundbreaking initiative involves a network of five regional Living Labs, each tailored to a specific context. Here, cutting-edge technologies will be harnessed to create bespoke soil enhancers. Rigorous evaluations in state-of-the-art laboratories will ensure stability, biosafety, and molecular integrity. Impact assessments on soil health, agricultural performance and environmental risks will follow suit, providing a comprehensive understanding of potential benefits.


An open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,999,968.75

The EU-funded SoilWise project aims to make accessible the scattered and heterogeneous soil data and knowledge in Europe to support informed decision-making and the Soil Health Law. The project’s focus is on making these resources FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and fostering trust and willingness to share and reuse such valuable information. Through collaborative efforts involving stakeholders, SoilWise intends to streamline existing workflows and repositories, enhancing their discoverability and interconnection.


Nature Based Solutions for Soil Management

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €4,688,807.00

The EU-funded NBSoil project will design a blended learning programme to mainstream knowledge and help soil advisors implement a holistic vision of soil health. Specifically, the project will focus on six multifunctional categories: organic fertilisers from locally available biowastes, cover crops, paludiculture, forest diversification, bioremediation, and blue-green infrastructure in urban and periurban areas. An estimated 300 participants from 8 EU countries are expected to complete the 2-year training (an introductory online course and four advanced modules) offered by the project.


National engagement activities to support the launch of the Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe’ 100 Living Labs and Lighthouses

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €2,999,084.25

Through national engagement events organised in 43 countries (all EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries), the EU-funded NATI00NS project will reach out to relevant stakeholders seen as potential actors and through individual coaching sessions, capacity building activities and matchmaking sessions prepare them to apply for and implement soil health Living Labs.


Healthy Municipal Soils

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €3,276,679.50

The EU-funded HuMUS project will increase awareness and understanding of the importance and value of soil health in local communities. Its global aim is to engage municipalities and regions by creating spaces for dialogue on soil health with Quadruple Helix stakeholders, including marginalised and vulnerable parts of society. The project will also launch an EUR 600 000-worth call for pilot projects promoting wider co-assessment and transitioning exercises on local soil challenges, going beyond the current partnership. In so doing, it will help accelerate the uptake of the Soil Mission by public and private actors in Europe.


Enhancing Soil health through values-based business models

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €4,999,922.50

Land managers combine man-made resources with natural resources to produce marketable products like food, feed, fiber and wood, but at the same time produce ecosystem services that are generally not marketed or compensated. However, land managers generally have little incentive to invest in healthy soils, as they cannot sufficiently capture the value generated by these ecosystem services. SoilValues aims to contribute to the conditions for developing successful soil health business models. These are models in which land managers make production decisions that result in higher levels of soil-based ecosystem services (SES) and in which they are paid for the non-marketed services they generate.