What is the Mission Soil Platform about?
The Mission Soil Platform is the one-stop shop to learn about Mission Soil and the opportunities to engage in its activities. It supports the roll-out of the Mission and related R&I activities, facilitates collaboration among the Mission Soil-funded projects, and increases awareness about the importance of soil, the challenges it faces and the solutions that exist thanks to the latest research results.
For further information, visit the ‘About Mission Soil Platform’ section.
How can I get in touch with the Mission Soil Platform?
If you have a specific question for the Mission Soil Platform team, please reach out to us via the contact form or email us at info@mission-soil-platform.eu.
How is soil health defined?
The Mission Implementation Plan defines soil health as ‘the continued capacity of soils to support ecosystem services’.
What are Living Labs and Lighthouses in the context of the Mission Soil?
Soil health Living Labs are collaborations between multiple partners and different actors, involving researchers, farmers, foresters, spatial planners, land managers, authorities and citizens who come together to coordinate experiments and co-create innovations for a jointly agreed objective on soil health and related ecosystem services.
Within the Mission Soil, Living Labs will be established at the local level (be it in a region or a landscape) and consist of several experimental sites. Real soil managers should be at the centre of the innovation process and experimentation and innovation should take place in real conditions.
What is the Mission Soil Manifesto?
The aim of the Mission Soil Manifesto is to mobilise stakeholders and citizens who want to become part of a community of practice that cares for soil health. The Manifesto gives you an opportunity to voice your support for Mission Soil and its objectives. The Manifesto is a non-legally binding document.
You can find the Manifesto in all EU languages here and sign it. Further information can be found in the ‘Mission Soil Manifesto’ section.
How can I sign the Mission Soil Manifesto?
To sign the Mission Soil Manifesto or to share it with your community, click here.
How can I stay updated on Mission Soil Platform’s activities?
You may subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on DG AGRI’s and REA’s social media channels, Twitter (DG AGRI, REA), Facebook (DG AGRI), Instagram (DG AGRI), and LinkedIn (REA).