Project hub

The Mission Soil project hub provides information on projects funded under the Mission and other relevant initiatives. Through the project hub, it will be possible to gain oversight of the emerging Mission project portfolio and follow the progress and outcomes of funded projects and initiatives more easily. The hub provides information on the goals, activities, and results, factual or expected, of the projects and initiatives, outlining the relevance to Mission objectives. 

The repository enables searches by Mission objectives (specific and operational), funding programme, time and country and allows free data downloading.


Diversity, stability and functioning of the soil microbiome

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €2,499,608.75

In an effort to better understand the role of soil microbial communities, it is important to analyse the factors shaping those highly complex systems as well as the ecological and genetic mechanisms contributing to their stability. The EU-funded SoilResist project aims to unveil the mechanisms that underpin the resistance and resilience of soil microbial communities and study how the communities react to natural and anthropogenic perturbations. Within this scope, the project will identity critical thresholds for abrupt transitions of microbial communities to alternative states and their consequences for soil functioning. The aim is to prove the hypothesis that the stability of microbial functions when faced with disturbances caused by climate extremes is determined by microbial functional diversity.


Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Lifecycles and LONg-term Sustainability

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €7,075,861.75

The EU-funded PAPILLONS project will investigate the sustainability of agricultural plastics (AP) in relation to releases and impacts of microplastics and nanoplastics (MNP) in European soils. The initiative will promote knowledge on sources, behaviour and impacts through cross-disciplinary research, bringing together experts from chemistry, materials engineering, agronomy, soil ecology, toxicology and social sciences. PAPILLONS will transform the knowledge generated into guidance for policy-makers, the agricultural sector and world-class industries to promote sustainable farm production systems. Researchers will deliver the first digital European atlas of AP use, management and waste production to estimate sources of MNP in agricultural soils and integrate studies at laboratory, mesocosm and field scales in different parts of Europe.


Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €4,000,000.00

Societies depend on soil. Fertile and productive soil is the foundation of our existence and the prerequisite for a stable supply of food, fibre, animal feed, timber and other biomasses. Soil sustains biodiversity and contributes to the provision of a wide range of ecosystem services, and as the largest store of carbon on land, it is also in the nexus of global climate challenges. Soil is part of the solution to realising the SDGs. The threat of global warming makes climate-smart sustainable agricultural soil management crucial. The EU-funded EJP SOIL project will create an enabling environment to enhance the contribution of agricultural soils to key societal challenges such as climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable agricultural production, ecosystem services provision as well as prevention and restoration of land and soil degradation. The project brings together a group of 26 leading European research institutes and universities in 24 countries. More information is available at


MIcro- and NAno-Plastics in AGRIricultural Soils: sources, environmental fate and impacts on ecosystem services and overall sustainability

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,999,972.50

For years, the use of plastics on the farms has helped farmers increase crop production, improve food quality and reduce the ecological footprint. However, the increasing use of plastic in agriculture has resulted in soil pollution, with plastic residues forming macroplastics, microplastics (MP) and nanoplastics (NP). The EU-funded MINAGRIS project will provide a deeper understanding and tools to assess the MP and NP impact on agricultural soil health. The project will estimate the use of various plastic polymers in agriculture systems. It will analyse their impact on physico-chemical soil properties, soil biodiversity, plant productivity, Ecosystem Services and their potential transfer to other parts of the environment and plants, and it will quantify the consequences of unsustainable soil management.


Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,999,161.25

Unsustainable management and climate change are increasing land degradation and threatening soil biodiversity. Urgent action is thus required to mainstream sustainable soil management practices. However, major knowledge gaps related to biodiversity and soil-mediated ecosystem services must be addressed. The EU-funded SOILGUARD project will therefore develop a conceptual and analytical framework with the potential to become the global standard for future assessments of soil biodiversity status. All knowledge will be shared through SOILGUARDIANS, a predictive tool based on the links between soil biodiversity, soil multifunctionality and wellbeing to support stakeholders in their transition to sustainable management. SOILGUARD will co-create evidence-based conservation recommendations for policies and frameworks at the EU and international level and support Member States commitments under the Global Soil Partnership.


Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €9,999,920.00

Our understanding of forest soil processes is limited. The EU-funded HoliSoils project will develop a harmonised soil monitoring framework by filling in knowledge gaps to ensure climate and sustainability goals are being met. Through a collaborative, multi-actor approach, the project will identify and test soil management practices. The goal is to develop effective numerical forecasting of soil-based greenhouse gas mitigation practices and ensure sustainable provision of various ecosystem services. To develop tools for soil monitoring, HoliSoils will incorporate novel methodologies and expert knowledge on analytical techniques, data sharing, soil properties and biodiversity, and processes with model development.


Transforming Unsustainable management of soils in key agricultural systems in EU and China. Developing an integrated platform of alternatives to reverse soil degradation.

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €4,978,240.52

The EU-funded TUdi project will develop, upscale and disseminate soil restoring strategies in three major agricultural systems (cereal-based rotations, tree crops and grasslands), for different farm typologies and environmental conditions in Europe, China and New Zealand. Researchers in cooperation with end-users and stakeholders will conduct long-term experiments on monitored farms to identify soil degradation situations, proven strategies for restoring soil health and barriers to their adoption at farm level. This bottom-up approach will be used to develop digital tools to predict the impact of these strategies on nutrient and water balance, yield, cost-benefit, and farm operations and guide farmers towards implementing strategies to restore soil health. Solutions will be complemented by raising awareness of the relevance of healthy soils for sustainable development to the general public.


Sustainable multifunctional fertilizer – combining bio-coatings, probiotics and struvite for phosphorus and iron supply

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,549,154.99

SUSFERT addresses the massive usage of mineral fertilisers in EU agriculture, which are largely based on non-renewable resources, but are required in intensive crop production for meeting demands for food and feed. SUSFERT will develop multifunctional fertilisers for phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) supply, which will fit into existing production processes and common EU agricultural practice.


The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €2,136,174.00

A sustainable, ecological approach in farming is today a solution in front of the growing challenges of climate change, depleted natural resources, shrinking biodiversity and reduced soil quality. Agroecology can address these challenges, reinforcing the resilience of farming systems. Existing instruments offered by open innovation arrangements can serve this goal, particularly living labs (LL) and research infrastructures (RIs). For this reason, the EU-funded ALL-Ready project will develop AgroEcoLLNet, a new framework for the future European network of LLs and RIs. The project will lay the groundwork and prepare the necessary prerequisites and activities. Testing will verify and improve the project’s outcomes, which will be communicated widely in Europe. The implementation plan will be tested and integrated into the validated framework of AgroEcoLLNet.


Validation of an advanced CO2 life cycle model and non-speculative Emissions Trading System in a digital platform for an efficient sustainable forest management

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €1,792,297.66

LIFE TOKEN CO2 aims to launch an innovative platform to address the Life Cycle of CO2 from its emission to its compensation assessing different Forest Land Management. The project implements a large-scale validation of a novel, accurate and predictive remote sensing-based Model to calculate the absorption of CO2 by forest stands and the improvement through the realisation of potential forestry actions. The model is based on the correlation of experiments and sampling using Eddy Covariance stations and earth observation images, to obtain coefficients that allow the calculation of the potential CO2 absorption of an area.