Project hub

The Mission Soil project hub provides information on projects funded under the Mission and other relevant initiatives. Through the project hub, it will be possible to gain oversight of the emerging Mission project portfolio and follow the progress and outcomes of funded projects and initiatives more easily. The hub provides information on the goals, activities, and results, factual or expected, of the projects and initiatives, outlining the relevance to Mission objectives. 

The repository enables searches by Mission objectives (specific and operational), funding programme, time and country and allows free data downloading.


Modular wireless sentinel of water percolation, water potential, soil texture, salts, pH, and nutrients in depth, to reduce water use and energy and optimise fertilization in crops

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €955,349.27

The climate change manifests in longer periods of drought on one hand and extreme overflow of watercourses on the other hand. This will significantly disrupt the agriculture sector, which strongly relies on certain temperatures and precipitation levels. The farming choices and the climate will determine the water footprint of agriculture: over-exploitation of water resources is a threat to farming and the environment. This is the origin of the LIFE HYDROSTICK project, which aims at making precision farming easy and accessible by means of demonstrating in real scale a new modular, flexible, autonomous, user-friendly (plug&connect) and customisable IoT solution allowing real-time monitoring of soil data (i.e. water content, water potential, temperature, conductivity (quality and type of mineral salts), nutrients (N,P,K), pH), to increase sustainability and productivity in the agro-industry sector.


Combining novel Analytical protocols for PFAS contamination with Technologies for sustainable Remediation

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €2,950,433.00

The overarching objective of LIFE CAPTURE is to develop sustainable management methods for dealing with of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in soil and groundwater. This targets concrete issues and challenges that are currently encountered when dealing with PFAS-contamination. These relate to characterisation, assessment and mitigation of the contamination.


Carbon sequestration through sustainable forest and grassland management for climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation in mining areas

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €2,491,828.31

CARBON2MINE is a 72-month project that proposes an innovative solution to contribute to climate change mitigation, focusing on one of the most economically depressed regions in Europe: Asturian mining areas, directly affected by the decarbonisation policies of the European Union.

LIFE21-NAT-SK-LIFE Metamorphosis

Developing best practices in butterfly conservation in Central and Eastern Europe

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €3,299,109.40

The Metamorphosis project focuses on the conservation of 15 butterfly species listed in Annexes II and IV of the EU Habitats Directive, namely Colias myrmidone, Callimorpha quadripunctaria, Euphydryas aurinia, Euphydryas maturna, Eriogaster catax, Lopinga achine, Lycaena dispar, Lycaena helle, Phengaris (Maculinea) arion, Phengaris (Maculinea) nausithous, Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius, Parnassius mnemosyne, Parnassius apollo, Pseudophylotes bavius, Zerynthia polyxena in three Member states (Slovakia, Hungary and Romania). 


Innovative Zeo-Biopesticides, based on useful microorganisms, for eliminating the use of copper-based pesticides

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €1,307,124.84

LIFE MICROFIGHTER project has been conceived to demonstrate in open field the effectiveness of a new product and practice that will reduce/substitute copper-based pesticides for the defence against relevant pathogens (downy mildew, bacterial speck, bacterial spot, olive knot disease and peacock eye) of grapevine, tomato and olive.

LIFE21-CCM-ES-LIFE Innocereal EU

Connecting the cereal value chain and creating sustainable certification for carbon neutral production in Europe.

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €1,831,177.00

To meet the challenges towards a circular and carbon neutral industry, we must invest in solutions that connect industry stakeholders to close the loop of cereal production and in this way guarantee and promote food security and transition to sustainable agriculture. This project creates an ecosystem throughout the entire cereal production chain, demonstrating sustainability and competitiveness in all production stages of the flour, malting and baking industries focused on reaching the high sustainable standards of the market.


Restoring EU priority grassland habitats and building a new narrative for their management

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,635,673.98

GrassLIFE2 is a continuation of GrassLIFE project LIFE16NAT/LV/262 that has successfully introduced a range of innovative restoration approaches in Latvia, while restoring 1,320 ha of EU priority grassland habitats in fourteen Natura 2000 sites. The objective of GrassLIFE2 project is to upscale the work done in GrassLIFE and tackle all major factors that have led to an unfavourable conservation status of grassland habitats in Latvia. We plan to implement a coherent package of actions, starting from best-practice restoration, to testing, assessing, fine-tuning, and applying innovative grassland restoration methods in the Latvian context.


Development of bachelor program in agroecology with dual education in Kazakhstan

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €569,371.96

The project aims to develop and implement the sustainable dual study undergraduate program in Agroecology at three universities in Kazakhstan as well as to establish lifelong courses for professionals. In the modern agriculture, developing resource-saving technologies for the cultivation of agricultural crops, methods for producing high-quality crop products, effective ways of reproducing soil fertility, and methods of agroecological monitoring allows not only to survive despite all challenges, but also to successfully deal with fierce competition. The main goal of the project is to reduce the gap in the structure, volume and quality of labour resources from the real requirements of specific farms/enterprises and to educate professionals with competencies related to modern technologies.


An integrated approach to promote sustainable food systems via behavioral changes cross-fostering all parties involved

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €1,452,673.90

GrowLIFE is a Climate and Governance Information project, aiming at fostering behavioural change throughout the food system in order to increase the share of practices that are more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. According to the European Environment Agency, agriculture is the fifth sector producing more greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, GrowLIFE represents a response to the European Green Deal.


Regenerative approaches for building climate change resilience into EU agricultural regions prone to desertification

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €1,394,354.99

The primary objective of AgrOassis is to assist climatic change adaptation in the agricultural sector of the EU’s two most south-easterly countries, Cyprus and Greece and beyond. For reaching the objectives of the EU legislation and policy on climate action AgrOassis will develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches, best practices as well as close to market solutions on areas which are currently exposed to desertification because of climate, inappropriate land use and wildfire and which are expected to become even more vulnerable under climatic change. It will also markedly contribute towards climate change mitigation, promoting carbon farming and biodiversity restoration.