Project hub

The Mission Soil project hub provides information on projects funded under the Mission and other relevant initiatives. Through the project hub, it will be possible to gain oversight of the emerging Mission project portfolio and follow the progress and outcomes of funded projects and initiatives more easily. The hub provides information on the goals, activities, and results, factual or expected, of the projects and initiatives, outlining the relevance to Mission objectives. 

The repository enables searches by Mission objectives (specific and operational), funding programme, time and country and allows free data downloading.


Healthy Soil to Permanent Crops Living Labs

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €11,999,990.00

Healthy soil is at the heart of the European Green Deal and one of the main targets of the Mission Board. The EU is currently struggling with soil degradation which is undoubtedly linked to agriculture intensification. Thus, a new soil management paradigm on soil monitoring, restoration and protection must be an endeavour of farmers, scientists, businesses, politicians and citizens. LivingSoiLL intends to respond to these challenges by establishing 5 Living Labs (LLs) in PT, FR, ES, IT and PL focused on permanent crops (vineyards, olive groves, chestnuts, hazelnuts and apple orchards), comprising at least 50 demonstration sites and 10 lighthouses, and with active participation of more than 2000 local actors. 


Spreading Open and Inclusive Literacy and Soil Culture through Artistic Practices and Education

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,997,878.75

SOILSCAPE harnesses the power of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), artists, and civil society organisations (CSOs) to promote soil preservation across Europe and beyond. Working with experts from the worlds of soil sciences, arts, decision-making, and humanities, this project coordinated by AFES seeks to cultivate soil literacy and celebrate soils through creative approaches, engaging citizens & professionals on this journey. SOILSCAPE's objectives include understanding human-soil relations, building a network of more than 120 relevant actors in 8 countries, onboarding at least 320 individuals from the society, providing 1,850,000 € as financial and technical support to CSOs, CCIs, schools, artists, and institutions, distributing 375,000 € as awards and 80 soil literacy certifications to inspiring initiatives, and reaching international scales through UNESCO and Coalition of Action for 4 Soil Health.


Innovative practices, tools and products to boost soil fertility and peat substitution in horticultural crops

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,497,816.14

The main objective of SPIN-FERT is to integrate optimised and validated innovations in soil management practices and improve peat-free substrates to enhance soil health in vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. SPIN-FERT will exploit outcomes, including patents, from several related projects, in particular EXCALIBUR as 6 of its members are partners in SPIN-FERT. Multi-actor approach is at the core of SPIN-FERT methodology and consortium for extensive knowledge transfer and co-design. Specifically, SPIN-FERT will optimise the production process of chosen fertilising products and improve their formulation with innovative protocols to increase efficacy.


MONitoring and Assessing prevention and restoration soLutIons to combat deSertificAtion

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,991,831.23

The main goal of MONALISA is to identify and promote the expansion of innovative and tailored solutions to prevent and reverse land degradation and desertification (LDD) while showcasing their socio-economic and environmental effectiveness. MONALISA will put in place a transdisciplinary approach to integrate scientific and local knowledge, emerging from newly and established social learning spaces with multi-sector stakeholders and multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary researchers. Work will be carried out in six Mediterranean case studies (CS), encompassing different levels of aridity across five countries (European: Italy, Spain and Greece; and non-European: Tunisia and Palestine). 


TErrestrial Resilience and RestorAtion Strategies for (semi) Arid and Fragile Ecosystems through a multi-actor approach

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,132,886.65

TERRASAFE is a pioneering initiative envisaging to empower local communities in southern Europe and northern Africa to successfully face the escalating challenges of desertification through the adoption of nature-based, social and technological innovations. TERRASAFE’s vision will be operationalised in 5 pilot areas that share a high vulnerability to desertification but, simultaneously, represent the 4 main types of desertification (vegetation decline, soil degradation, water scarcity, and depopulation) and strongly contrast in socio–cultural-ecological circumstances. This vision is supported by a transdisciplinary consortium, ranging from universities to SMEs commercially exploiting innovations.


Safe Wheat Agriculture Towards Sustainable Health: Innovative Sensing Techniques, and Holistic Spectroscopy Traceability for Improved Soil, plant Health and safe wheat grain

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,967,116.25

In a world grappling with complex global challenges such as population growth, climate change, and environmental degradation, ensuring security, sustainability, and food safety is paramount. Agricultural practices and food production processes are integral to public health, economic stability, and societal well-being. However, conventional approaches have often operated in isolation, limiting our understanding and hindering scalability. The WHEATWATCHER initiative seeks to break these barriers by uniting soil health monitoring, plant health assessment, and food traceability through a cutting-edge digital soil monitoring system. This system assesses soil nutrition, chemical, and biological factors impacting wheat grains from field growth to flour production, spanning multiple European regions. 


Emergent soil, plant and food onsite digital services on chemical and biological contaminants

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,033,127.50

E-SPFdigit will bring novel onsite digital tools already at TRL5 under systemic innovation, which will be further deployed, upscaled, field-tested and demonstrated to TRL7-8, in viticulture and horticulture applications in Greece and Spain in soil-contaminated areas (located near mines, offensive industries, highways, floodwaters). E-SPFdigit brings novel developed: i) MIP-based electrochemical sensors coupled with SPME for on-site monitoring and analysis of dedicated to PFAS targeted molecules, ii) Multiplex organic Surface Plasmon Resonance optical biosensors for onsite pesticides residues monitoring and analysis, iii) IDE-based electrochemical sensors for onsite detection and quantification of heavy metals & micronutrients, and iv) UVC LED -based nutrient analysers for soil water content in-situ and real time monitoring. 


PHysically-Based Integrated Soil HEalth Simulation Platform

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,090,924.96

PHISHES aims to bridge the missing link between data on soil health and actions for the safeguard of soils. This missing link entails predictive capability in terms of the consequences of actions on the provision of soil functions and associated ecosystem services, taking into account soil use, soil contamination and various drivers such as climate change. Hence the primary scientific question addressed in PHISHES is: “How do soil use and soil contamination influence soil functions and associated ecosystem services, in the presence of major drivers such as climate change, and how can we predict the impacts of mitigation and adaptation measures?”. While most research teams address this question in a qualitative / semi-quantitative fashion, using, e.g. multicriteria analysis and indicators of soil health, the ambition of PHISHES is to provide quantitative predictive capability via a PHISHES Digital Platform. 


Modelling pollutant transport across the soil-water-atmosphere conituum, and impacts on ecosystem services

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,818,387.47

Thanks to a unique upgrade of knowledge and advanced digital tools, SOILPROM will improve the modelling of soil pollution processes for metals, PFAS, nutrients, microplastics, and pesticides through soil, air, water, and plants compartments, to reach reduced levels of pollution and healthier soils across Europe. Using both existing European databases and local newly collected standardised datasets in accordance with DestinE and EUSO requirements, project partners will upgrade, integrate and validate existing soil pollution models under field conditions in its 6 diversified use-cases. 


DEploying Ecosystemic solutions to imProve soil Health and uncOveRing subsoil functIons in the critical ZONe

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,860,203.75

Life on Earth thrives on the foundation of healthy soils, including topsoil and subsoil. While extensive research has focused on the topsoil layer, the subsoils remain largely unexplored. By bringing together key experts and practitioners, DeepHorizon aims to unlock knowledge of the subsoil in critical zone in order to deploy ecosystemic solutions to improve subsoil functions for soil health. DeepHorizon goal is to develop tools that will enable practitioners, land managers and policy makers to access subsoil properties, subsoil functions, soil health indicators and financial decision support tools to promote sustainable subsoil management.