The Mission Soil Platform is the one-stop shop to learn about Mission Soil and the opportunities to engage in its activities. It supports the roll-out of the Mission and related R&I activities, facilitates collaboration among the Mission Soil-funded projects, and increases awareness about the importance of soil, the challenges it faces and the solutions that exist thanks to the latest research results.
Specific services include:
contact point and helpdesk to reply to requests for information on the Mission and its activities;
this website with information on projects (Mission project hub), Mission progress (Dashboard), funding opportunities, news, and events;
activities and tools to promote cooperation between projects and Mission Soil communities;
the organisation of the annual Mission Soil event;
materials for communication, outreach, citizen and stakeholder engagement;
monitoring and reporting on the progress of the Mission.
The Mission Soil Platform is implemented by Ecorys, Ecologic Institute, and Ricardo, under service contract REA/2022/OP/0001 funded by the European Union.