Meet Mission Soil Ambassadors Perrine, Anne and Tilen

Saturday, 29 March 2025

Mission Soil Ambassadors are passionate advocates from across the EU and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, dedicated to raising awareness about soil health or environmental sustainability. They inspire societal engagement and drive meaningful action towards the Mission's goals. As such, the number of our Mission Soil Ambassadors is growing, and we want to introduce you to some of our new Ambassadors!

Promoting sustainable farming

Mission Soil Ambassadors, Perrine Bulgheroni, Anne van Leeuwen and Tilen Praprotnik come from varied backgrounds, but are united in impactful actions to protect and restore soil through their knowledge and influence. Their key focus is soil-friendly farming practices. By fostering collaboration and promoting sustainable farming methods, they raise awareness about the critical role of soil health in environmental sustainability and human wellbeing.

Perrine Bulgheroni, Mission Soil Ambassador in France

For example, Perrine Bulgheroni, founder of the renowned Bec Hellouin farm, works on cooperative farming models and collaborative food production to boost community resilience. As a Knight of the National Order of Merit in France, she is recognised for her commitment to sustainable practices.

Perrine recalls the day she knew protecting soil health would become her life’s goal. 

‘The moment I discovered the invisible world of bacteria changed everything,’ she says. ‘Learning how these tiny organisms create life beneath our feet, nurturing soil, feeding plants and building resilience, was a revelation.’

Perrine shares her expertise globally, inspiring action for soil protection and restoration, and fostering a deeper understanding of its vital role. One surprising fact she often shares is that soils ‘talk’ through fungal networks, helping plants share nutrients and warn each other of threats. 

‘This hidden underground intelligence shows that soil is not just dirt; it’s a dynamic, interconnected ecosystem essential for life both on the farm and on Earth,’ Perrine explains.

Anne van Leeuwen, Mission Soil Ambassador in the Netherlands

Anne van Leeuwen is a key player in the regenerative movement in the Netherlands. After watching the documentary Hope in a Changing Climate by John D. Lui, she realised the potential of human action. 

‘Here I saw an example of how we could actually make a positive impact by regenerating soil and bringing back life and communities to places,’ she explains.

In 2024, Anne joined the community farm 't Gagel in Lochem. Since then, Anne has been dedicated to cultivating healthy soil and providing nutritious food for her community.

Anne also collaborates with and educates organisations to promote the transition to regenerative agriculture. 

‘Healthy soil life is crucial for our own health and wellbeing,’ she says.

One aspect Anne emphasises is the fact that soil is often seen as lifeless matter. 

She explains, ‘Soil is alive, and more and more studies are showing just how important soil life is for water retention, plant growth and even the nutritional value of food.’

Tilen Praprotnik, Mission Soil Ambassador in Slovenia

The Slovenian Ambassador, Tilen Praprotnik, is a dedicated organic farmer and a pioneer of regenerative agriculture and practical agroecology in his country.

Tilen became motivated to take action after realising the importance of farmers in contributing to soil health. 

‘Although healthy, living soils are extremely important,’ he says, ‘they are but one component of the wider ecosystem.’ Tilen explains that farmers play a key role to ‘facilitate ecosystem processes and manage the relationships between the living and non-living components that make up this whole.’

Through on-farm education and active involvement in various organisations and projects, Tilen has raised awareness on the importance of society’s relationship with agriculture and soil.

Tilen shares an intriguing fact about soil that may surprise people. 

‘We still think that most of the organic matter in the soil is formed by the decomposition of plants and animals,’ he explains. ‘However, the majority actually consists of microbial necromass, or dead microorganisms. The interesting thing is you don't need to put it there yourself as under the right conditions it naturally forms from within.’

A shared vision for soil health 

Through their efforts – whether inspiring action for soil health like Perrine and Anne or shining a light on those who have taken practical and innovative steps to improve soil health, like Tilen – the Mission Soil Ambassadors are laying the groundwork for a future where soil health is recognised as the foundation of our planet and society.

Visit the Mission Soil Platform to find out more, see the Ambassadors’ profiles, and follow their activities.