Project hub

The Mission Soil project hub provides information on projects funded under the Mission and other relevant initiatives. Through the project hub, it will be possible to gain oversight of the emerging Mission project portfolio and follow the progress and outcomes of funded projects and initiatives more easily. The hub provides information on the goals, activities, and results, factual or expected, of the projects and initiatives, outlining the relevance to Mission objectives. 

The repository enables searches by Mission objectives (specific and operational), funding programme, time and country and allows free data downloading.


Innovative Business Models for Soil Health

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €4,388,915.00

The EU-funded NOVASOIL project will highlight the benefits of investing in soil for society and the environment. It will propose a toolbox of good practices, models and business cases drawn from different parts of Europe and beyond. The overall aim is to promote sustainable soil management under different land uses and climatic conditions while promoting soil health. The NOVASOIL toolbox will be developed with the guidance of a multidisciplinary team of experts with experience in developing soil health business models based on sustainable crop and soil management.


Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health: setting a framework for the inclusion of soil health in business and in the policy making process

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €4,587,468.00

The EU-funded InBestSoil project will design an economic valuation system of the ecosystem services delivered by a healthy soil and the impacts of soil interventions, and assess its incorporation into business models and incentives. This will allow public and private organisations to assign economic value to their actions. Involving 19 partners like farmers and enterprises from 10 countries, InBestSoil will provide data, evidence, tools and models to assess how investment in soil health can contribute to long-term resilient and sustainable use of soil.


The Soil Biodiversity and Functionality of Mediterranean Olive Groves: A Holistic Analysis of the Influence of Land Management on Olive Oil Quality and Safety

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €6,988,660.00

The EU-funded SOIL O-LIVE project will implement a set of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary projects. The aim is to diagnose the environmental situation of olive grove soils on a broad scale. The project will target the most significant areas of olive production in the Mediterranean region. SOIL O-LIVE will analyse the impact of pollution and land degradation on olive groves’ soils, investigate the relationship of soil health status with the quality and safety of olive oil, implement effective soil amendments and ecological restoration practices, and define rigorous ecological thresholds for healthy European olive groves.


Preparing for the ‘Soil Deal for Europe’ Mission

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €4,990,227.89

The EU-funded PREPSOIL project will adopt a proactive approach to co-create with stakeholders and generate long-lasting interaction spaces. The project will provide first assessments and efforts concerning improved knowledge base and awareness on soil health and develop its web portal as the European one-stop-shop for all information, resources and digital engagement tools for the Mission stakeholders. PREPSOIL will provide direction to the future national soil health monitoring mechanisms and prepare the implementation of regional Living Labs through model business plan guidance.


Soils for Europe

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €5,000,013.46

The EU-funded SOLO project will drive the creation of think tanks, one for each of the eight Soil Mission objectives. The think tanks will co-create knowledge and identify knowledge gaps. Through an open digital platform, they will function as an operational tool for implementing a participatory process and to address the potential regional differences in the implementation of the Soil Mission. The project’s overall objective is to produce a shared understanding of needs and the research and innovation priorities.


Building a European Network for the Characterisation and Harmonisation of Monitoring Approaches for Research and Knowledge on Soils

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €11,502,963.15

The EU-funded BENCHMARKS project will co-design an Integrated Soil Health Monitoring Framework, which will build upon the assessment of soil-based ecosystem functions to co-develop an interactive soil health dashboard. The aim is to guide the selection of appropriate soil health indicators, soil health assessment and indexation, and recommendation of management practices to support soil health. The dashboard will be designed for different stakeholders in urban, agricultural and forestry land use systems. Its proposed indicators (sample-based measurements and data, and model-derived statistics), space and citizen science observations will be tested in landscape case studies across Europe.


AI4SoilHealth: Accelerating Collection and Use of Soil Health Information Using AI Technology to Support the Soil Deal for Europe and EU Soil Observatory

Funding period: -

EU contribution: €9,960,357.50

The EU-funded AI4SoilHealth project will co-design, create and maintain an open access Europe-wide digital infrastructure founded on advanced AI methods combined with new and deep soil health understanding and measures. The AI-based data infrastructure will evolve a Soil Digital Twin. The project will deliver a coherent Soil Health Index methodology, Rapid Soil Health Assessment Toolbox, AI4SoilHealth Data Cube for Europe, Soil-Health-Soil-Degradation-Monitor, and AI4SoilHealth API and mobile phone app. AI4SoilHealth will test the tools, collecting feedback from target users.