8 July 2024 09:00 – 11 July 2024 19:00

Event type


Lead organisation

University of Valencia

Event address

University of Valencia, Facultad de Geografía i Història
Blasco Ibàñez, 28
46010 Valencia

Nature-based solutions to facilitate the transitions for living within the planetary boundaries

TERRAenVISION is a 3-day conference that aims to provide a platform for a broad range of stakeholders that together can exchange experiences and identify new transformational pathways towards a sustainable society within the planetary boundaries. TERRAenVISION promotes the exchange of scientific research, industry solutions, and policy insights for interdisciplinary collaboration and networking.

By bringing the people and their knowledge together, the aim is to take steps towards solutions that can bring our society to a more sustainable situation. The objective is to link to international policies such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Climate Conventions, the Green Deal, COP, and CAP.

The conference includes inspiring keynotes, scientific talks, posters and interactive workshops to engage with people who are all working on topics related to the theme of our conference: ‘Nature-Based Solutions to facilitate the transition for living within the Planetary Boundaries’.

The five themes covered this year are: 

1. Nature-based solutions for agriculture and natural areas (soil, water and landscape)

2. Nature-based solutions for natural hazards (Fire, Floods and Droughts)

3. Nature-based solutions for urban and industrial areas (soil, water and spatial planning)

4. Methodologies: how to measure processes and impact of Nature-based solutions

5. Science brokers for transitioning to a climate-resilient and circular society

Call for sessions is now open - please read here. Deadline 18 February 2024

For more information and updates on this event, please visit the event website.

The conference is not only for scientists but would also like to warmly invite people from outside the scientific world working on transitions towards climate mitigation and adaptation, sustainable cities and agriculture and a circular economy focusing on the sustainable use and management of the natural system.