Soil MIcrobial responses to land use and climatic changes in the Light of Evolution

Quoting T. Dobzhansky, “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”. This idea could shed new light on how soil microbes access, transform, store, and release their most important resources – carbon and nutrients. We know that these microbial processes have global-scale impacts, including climate regulation and provision of nutrients to plants, but how microbes respond to changes in resources remains challenging to understand and quantify with models. In fact, current models cannot reliably reproduce carbon and nutrient storage and fluxes when soils are disturbed by land use changes or environmental fluctuations (especially of soil moisture). 

To address these urgent challenges and improve predictability of carbon and nutrient cycling, I propose a novel theory based on the premise that microbial use of soil resources is optimized by natural selection. This approach will provide a holistic explanation of microbial processes and yield models that are more reliable than traditional ones because they account for microbial adaptation. After testing this optimality hypothesis, I will answer the broader and globally relevant question – are land use and climatic changes increasing retention or loss of soil carbon and nutrients?

The project will achieve four objectives:
1) Determine the optimal strategies of resource use by soil microbes
2) Fill knowledge gaps on microbial processes by constructing new databases
3) Test the optimality theory using the new databases
4) Integrate the optimality theory into a land surface model to scale up results and assess impacts of land use and climatic (specifically hydrologic) changes on carbon and nutrient storage and fluxes

These theoretical advances will spur a new generation of soil models that translate the outcomes of natural selection into reliable predictions of land use and climate change effects on global ecosystems.

Project ID


Funding period

1 May 2021 - 30 April 2026

Total budget


EU contribution


Funding programme

Horizon 2020

Call for proposals


Type of action

ERC-COG Consilidator Grant

Type of stakeholder

Not specified

Project contribution to Mission Soil’s:

Specific objectives

  • 1. Reduce land degradation relating to desertification
    Not targeted
  • 2. Conserve and increase soil organic carbon stocks
  • 3. No net soil sealing and increase the reuse of urban soils
    Not targeted
  • 4. Reduce soil pollution and enhance restoration
    Not targeted
  • 5. Prevent erosion
    Not targeted
  • 6. Improve soil structure to enhance habitat quality for soil biota and crops
    Partially targeted
  • 7. Reduce the EU global footprint on soils
    Not targeted
  • 8. Increase soil literacy in society across Member States
    Not targeted

Operational objectives

  • 1. Build capacities and the knowledge base for soil stewardship
    Partially targeted
  • 2. Co-create and upscale place-based innovations to improve soil health in all places
    Not targeted
  • 3. Develop an integrated EU soil monitoring system and track progress towards soil health
    Not targeted
  • 4. Engage with the soil user community and society at large
    Not targeted

Innovation hotspots

  • 1. Carbon farming
  • 2. Soil pollution and restoration
    Not targeted
  • 3. Soil biodiversity including the microbiome
  • 4. Circular economy solutions
    Not targeted

Cross-cutting dimensions

  • 1. Business
    Not targeted
  • 2. Digital
    Not targeted
  • 3. Territorial
    Not targeted
  • 4. International
    Not targeted

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